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Knowing When To Replace AC Unit

3 min read

Owning an AC unit can ensure that you are always comfortable in your home. The problem is that many people do not know when to replace AC units. If you have an AC unit and think that you might need to replace it, you should know what some of the most common reasons for doing this is.

The Age Of The AC Unit

If you have an AC unit that is more than 10 years old, it may be time to replace it. If you have been maintaining your AC unit correctly over the years, you can generally expect it to last for 15 years. However, if you are facing major repairs when your AC unit is 10 years old or more, you should consider replacement.

This is due to the fact that you will only have 5 more years of useable life in your unit as a maximum. The cost of the repairs is generally seen as being less cost-effective than replacing the unit. When your AC unit is 10 years old or more, it will also lack some of the newer technology.

Frequent Breakdowns

If your AC unit frequently breaks down, it is time to replace it. If you have to call a technician every month to fix your unit, it would be more cost-effective to replace it. This is due to the fact that repair costs add up over time.

The repairs that you are completing will not fix the root cause of the breakdowns if this continues to happen. The only remedy will be to replace the unit. You will also reduce the chance of a breakdown when you need the unit the most.

The AC Unit Runs On R 22 Freon

Freon is a refrigerant that many older AC units run on. The problem with this refrigerant is the fact that it is in the final stages of being phased out. Many people already find it very hard to get replacement Freon for their units.

If your AC unit uses Freon, you need to replace it sooner rather than later. The cost of replacing the unit will be much lower than trying to get Freon when you need it. It is important to note that you cannot use other refrigerants in a unit that runs on Freon. There are some work around solutions, but they are short-term solutions and could void any warranty that you have.

The SEER Rating

If your AC unit does not have problems, but still consider replacing it, you should look at the SEER rating. Units that have low ratings will cost you more to run than those with a higher rating. The problem is that many of the older units in homes will have a lower rating.

New AC units will have ratings of 13 at least. If your AC unit has a rating below 13, you should consider replacing it. This will save you money in the long-term and will ensure that your unit is more efficient.

Knowing when to replace AC unit is something that many people struggle with. However, if your unit is more than 10 years old, runs on Freon or has a SEER rating of less than 13, you should look at replacing it.

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